5、符合医疗器械经营要求的办公场地及仓库证明; 6、公司章程、股东会决议等;
Square meters.2. Business class code for three-6815injection puncture instruments, three-6845 extracorporealcirculation and liquid treatment equipment, three-6864 medicalhealth materials and dressings, three-6865 medical suture materialsand adhesives, three-6866 medical polymer materials and products,premises use area of not less than 60 square meters, warehouse usearea shall not be less than 80 square meters.3. Engaged in theretail business of Class III-6822 medical optical instruments andendoscopic equipment (soft contact lenses only), there shall beindependent counters; for providing inspection and distributionservices, the use area of the business site shall not be less than30 square meters, and the optometry room (area) shall meet the darkroom conditions or meet the conditions of no direct lighting. 4.For the operation of three types of medical devices other than theabove code, the use area of the business site shall not be lessthan 60 square meters, and shall be equipped with warehousessuitable for the business scale. Provide materials: 1. Enterprisename and business scope, registered capital and proportion ofshareholder contribution, shareholders and other identitycertificates; 2. Medical device product registration certificate,supplier business license, license and authorization letter; 3.Quality management documents, etc.; 4,2 or more certificates,id