所需资料 :
营业执照正副本,若证件原件遗失了,经营者可注明原因,并承诺承担由此产生的法律责任 。
办理流程 :
填报公告:企业在公示系统填报简易注销公告,将《全体股东承诺书》拍成照片或扫描成图片,以 jpg的格式上传。需注意每个企业只有一次申请简易注销的机会,上传的文件一旦确认上交,将无法修改,要谨慎操作。
等待异议:公告期为 45 天,在此期间若无人提出异议,即可进入下一步。
提交申请:公告期结束后,企业须在 30 个自然日内向工商部门提交简易注销申请。
所需资料4 :
缴税单据 (银行缴税流水单)。
社保相关资料 (有缴纳社保金的个体户才需提供) 。
工商注销:携带上述所有资料以及税务注销证明到昌平区工商局或工商所,填写《个体工商户注销登记申请书》,提交注销申请。工商部门会对申请材料进行审核,如无问题,一般会在5 个工作日内完成注销登记,并收回营业执照正副本,颁发注销证明
General cancellation
Required Information 4:
Original copies of the business license.
Copy of the operator's ID card.
Lease vouchers, lease contracts, and lease invoices.
Financial statements and accounting vouchers for the past threeyears.
Official seal and seal engraving registration card.
Tax payment receipts (bank tax payment statements).
Verified invoices and unverified invoices.
Social security related information (only individual businessesthat have paid social security contributions need to provideit).
Processing procedure:
Tax deregistration: Bring a copy of the business license andrelevant documents such as the tax registration certificate to theChangping District Taxation Bureau to complete the taxderegistration procedures, settle the payable taxes, late fees, andfines, and obtain a tax deregistration certificate
Bank account cancellation: If you have opened a bank account,you need to bring all the necessary documents, including theoriginal and duplicate copies of the business license, taxregistration certificate, bank account opening permit,institutional credit code certificate, original and photocopy ofthe legal representative's ID card and the agent's ID card,official seal, financial special seal, name seal, etc., to the bankwhere you opened the account to complete the cancellationprocedures
Industrial and commercial deregistration: Bring all the aboveinformation and tax deregistration certificate to the ChangpingDistrict Industrial and Commercial Bureau or Industrial andCommercial Office, fill out the "Application for Cancellation ofIndividual Industrial and Commercial Household Registration", andsubmit the cancellation application. The industrial and commercialdepartment will review the application materials. If there are noissues, the cancellation registration will generally be completedwithin 5 working days, and the original and duplicate copies of thebusiness license will be retrieved, and a cancellation certificatewill be issued