· 熟悉国家及当地关于二类医疗器械备案的相关政策和规定,明确备案条件、所需材料、办理流程等细节3.
· 基础资料:通常需提供营业执照副本及复印件、组织机构代码证复印件、法定代表人身份证复印件等.
· 人员资质证明:企业负责人、质量管理人员的身份证明、学历或职称证明等,质量管理人员一般需具有大专以上学历及相关背景,并有一定的工作经验7.
· 经营场所证明:提供经营场所的房产证明或房屋租赁协议,以及场所的地理位置图、平面图等,证明其符合经营要求,且经营场所和仓库不得设置在居民住宅内7.
· 质量管理文件:建立健全的质量管理体系文件,包括采购、验收、储存、销售、售后服务等环节的管理制度和操作流程,如质量管理制度、工作程序文件目录等.
· 设施设备清单:列出经营场所和仓库内配备的与医疗器械经营相适应的设施设备目录,如货架、温湿度监测设备、防虫防鼠设备等.
· 产品信息:如果有特定的二类医疗器械产品需要备案,还需提供该产品的技术资料、产品注册证书、供应商营业执照及许可证等4.
· 提交备案申请后,相关部门会对申请材料进行审核,一般在3-5 个工作日内给出审批结果,但具体时间因地区和申请情况而异5.
· 审核过程中,如发现材料不完整或不符合要求,相关部门会通过电话、短信或系统反馈等方式通知申请人补充或修改材料3.
In recent years, with the development of the medical deviceindustry and the rapid progress of Internet technology, onlinesales of medical devices have gradually become an important part ofthe market. Especially in Beijing, this innovative business modelprovides enterprises with more convenient sales channels.Especially the medical device network sales filing service launchedby Beijing Zhongsheng Qicheng Technology Co., Ltd. has solved thefiling problem for many medical device enterprises with its fastand efficient characteristics.
The following are the specific methods for filing Class IImedical devices:
Understand the filing requirements
·Familiar with relevant national and local policies andregulations on the filing of Class II medical devices, clarify thefiling conditions, required materials, processing procedures, andother details
Prepare filing materials
·Basic information: Usually, a copy and photocopy of thebusiness license, a photocopy of the organization code certificate,and a photocopy of the legal representative's ID card arerequired
·Personnel Qualification Certificate: Identity certificates,educational or professional title certificates of enterpriseleaders and quality management personnel. Quality managementpersonnel generally need to have a college degree or above andrelevant background, as well as some work experience
·Proof of Business Premises: Provide proof of property ownershipor lease agreement for the business premises, as well as ageographical location map, floor plan, etc., to prove that it meetsthe business requirements, and that the business premises andwarehouse must not be located within residential buildings
·Quality management documents: Establish a sound qualitymanagement system document, including management systems andoperating procedures for procurement, acceptance, storage, sales,after-sales service, and other links, such as quality managementsystem, work procedure document directory, etc
·List of Facilities and Equipment: List the list of facilitiesand equipment equipped in the business premises and warehouses thatare suitable for the operation of medical devices, such as shelves,temperature and humidity monitoring equipment, insect and rodentprevention equipment, etc
·Product information: If there are specific Class II medicaldevice products that need to be registered, the technicalinformation, product registration certificate, supplier businesslicense, and permit of the product must also be provided
Waiting for approval
·After submitting the filing application, the relevantdepartments will review the application materials and generallyprovide the approval result within 3-5 working days, but thespecific time may vary depending on the region and applicationsituation
·During the review process, if it is found that the materialsare incomplete or do not meet the requirements, the relevantdepartments will notify the applicant to supplement or modify thematerials through telephone, SMS, or system feedback