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We aim to be renowned pioneers in innovative and viable powersolutions through our products and services, with an assurance ofunparalleled quality thus providing utmost value to our clientele.We pledge to be collaborators towards a prosperous society throughoptimum and sustainable use of all resources, in harmony withnature. Our goal is to be recognized as a clean-green global energycompany most admired for our integrity, meticulous performance andzealous personnel.
Our mission is to offer our customers pioneering products and alsoprovide them reliable information required to make well-informedbuying decisions. We would convey these with a sense of warmth,friendliness and integrity so as to maximize our customers’satisfaction. We intend to generate viable returns; for ourinvestors and for the evolution of exceptional products, whilebeing conscious of the environmental and social impact of ouractions. We further aim at fostering a cordial, ethical and dynamicwork atmosphere which respects the creativity, resourcefulness anddiligence of all our collaborators.
Welcome to the Global Power Source Group of Companies.
I have been extremely fortunate to be the Founder – Mentor ofGlobal Power Source Group of Companies.
One of the reasons I love this company so much, and why it hasprospered and endured, is because we embrace the concept oftreating each other right, taking care of our customers and areconscious of the social and ecological impact of our actions. Thatcommitment is deeply entrenched throughout our organization. Itbegins with leadership and is brought to life by the actions of ourco-workers at every level of the Company. Even as we invest andgrow, Global Power Source remains intently focused on ensuring thatour actions protect the health, safety and vitality of allassociated with us.
We are proud of our progress as well as our ability to adapt tochange, but always mindful of our core beliefs and values. We as afamily have spent a lifetime investing our passion to build anenterprise that respects people and the environment. On behalf ofthem, and our valued co-workers, I am pleased to share the journeyof our commitment.
Dipak Gandhi – Founder Chairman