615 Bonding Film

更新:2019-12-21 14:20 发布者IP: 浏览:1次
615 Bonding Film
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Jsw-615 Bonding Filmcan be used to bond a variety of substrates, and can handle themost difficult bonding applications in all walks of life, includingsome plastics that are difficult to bond. It is not only widelyused in traditional industries, such as mobile phones, tabletcomputers, camera windows, and mobile power supply. 615Bonding Film is increasingly used in watch industry,lighting industry and new energy and new materials. 615Bonding Film has many advantages: adjustable opening time,long-term reliability, moisture resistance and chemical resistance.JSW company has the core technology of electronic 615Bonding Film. The products have good initial adhesion,high final shear strength, excellent vibration resistance andweather resistance, and can bond almost all materials of glass,plastic and metal.

The above is a brief introduction of615 Bonding Film. For detailed data, please go tothe download window of jinshengwei official website. The followingis the informal information of 615 Bonding Filmfor reference only.

Around the intelligent strategy, JSW Company will implement thedevelopment strategy of developing mature 615 BondingFilm market and emerging markets simultaneously. In maturemarkets, continuing to increase brand investment and paying closeattention to production costs will expand the market positioning ofexisting products and accelerate their development. Combined withthe streamlining strategy, 615 Bonding Film willcontinue to optimize its global production footprint and promoteexcellent operation through faster processes, standardized andinformation-based modes and strong cost-effectiveness. In order toimprove efficiency. In promoting the stimulation strategy,615 Bonding Film will take diversified developmentas the direction, expand training and development projects withoperators, implement a competitive mechanism linked to performanceand a long-term incentive plan, and create a diversified615 Bonding Film development talent developmentand cultural atmosphere conducive to different cultures andprofessional backgrounds.

Clear goal: JSW615 Bonding Film has longestablished a clear strategic goal-to become a company providingcomprehensive technology 615 Bonding Filmservices, and will unswervingly realize this goal. Comprehensivedevelopment enables business to develop at a high speed. Everyenterprise is "profit-driven" and is a profit-oriented company.However, JSW's slogan is "long-term benefits" and as long as longas long-term profits can be made, there is no need to worry aboutshort-term losses, and short-term commercial benefits cannot beobtained at the expense of long-term 615 BondingFilm customer relationship. JSW's long-term pursuit ofprofits has been reflected many times in its development history.Finally got the return of 615 Bonding Filmproducts-becoming the largest 615 Bonding Filmmanufacturer in the market in 2014.

The international trade environment is not the same as it used tobe. The biggest change in how 615 Bonding Filmenterprises started their own development strategy is that from theend of 2012, it was found that customers placed 615 BondingFilm orders every six months to three months. I think itis no longer good. The frequency has changed and the requirementsof customers have changed a lot. Previously, I made a 615Bonding Film customer to change new products every twoyears. In 2012, I found that customers changed once every sixmonths. In the past, 615 Bonding Film of the nexttwo million was used all the time in the warehouse. As a result,customers changed and the technology also increased in 2012. By thesecond half of last year, the number of orders had become tens ofthousands and thousands. This is the biggest change.

所属分类:中国精细化学品网 / 热熔胶
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