615 Solid glue

更新:2019-12-21 14:26 发布者IP: 浏览:1次
615 Solid glue
陈嘉伟  请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多


Jsw-615Solid glue instructions: Please empty a small section ofglue before dispensing. Heat melt the jsw3542615 Solidglue at a constant temperature of 110 ℃, apply theadhesive to the part to be bonded with the dispensing equipment,complete the bonding within 2 minutes, and maintain the pressure inthe fixed tool for 10-20 minutes before moving to the nextposition. It is not recommended to heat each 615 Solidglue continuously for more than three hours. The same615 Solid glue cannot be heated three times.Heating for a long time will make the rear part of the rubber tubetouch the air temperature and form a crust, which can be pierced toreduce the glue pressure.

Theabove is a brief introduction of 615 Solid glue.For detailed data, please go to the download window of jinshengweiofficial website. The following is the informal information of615 Solid glue for reference only.

615 Solid glue is a compound that flows like a liquid when it is heated and alsomaintains an orderly arrangement of many molecules. It can reactwith the change of the environmental humidity to strengthen theadhesive ability, and the humidity effect inhaled by the materialgap can be used to correct the defects of the materials on bothsides. 615 Solid glue is coated on the surface ofthe adhesive piece, and fasteners forming a slight humiditygradient related to adhesive discontinuity are used. In this way,615 Solid glue materials will be displayed withtheir own adhesive properties. At this time 615 Solidglue bonded the product as a permanent substrate. Asimple, reliable and economical method to compound the bondingdefects of two-sided structures. For aluminum alloy, 615Solid glue has a maximum area thickness of 0.15 mm. Whenthe area thickness is less than 0.03mm, a gap of 0.02mm can beattached. Glue coating should be larger than the space gap to bemore effective. This should be noted.

At that time, when JSW was just starting, several companies in themarket copied JSW's so-called 615 Solid glueformula, which was called "this substitution" and "that highimitation". How many survived? Only JSW can survive, but alsochanged the profit model, changed 615 Solid glueformula. In 2012, numerous enterprises copied JSW products. Howmany are still alive? In addition to several foreign brands, theother 615 Solid glues have probably been forgottenand many imitation enterprises have vanished. Many domesticenterprises are willing to learn from JSW experience, even manymanagement professors and many people will definitely call JSW.Even the successful experience of JSW has become a "greatquotation" for these people to point out others. The conclusion isbasically the same: the development of 615 Solidglue products of JSW enterprises is special and cannot becopied. As a result, numerous enterprises produce 615 Solidglue, but JSW's experience has not become the road tosuccess for these enterprises.

For consumption, the core competitiveness of 615 Solidglue manufacturing enterprises is tangible benefits. Andbrand competitiveness is the best form of expression of thisbenefit. Similarly, 615 Solid glue brandcompetitiveness has a high degree of identity with thecharacteristics of strong enterprise core competitiveness.Therefore, 615 Solid glue brand competitiveness isthe external performance of the core competitiveness ofenterprises. This is manifested in: 615 Solid gluebrand competitiveness has irreplaceable differentiation ability.Brand competitiveness is the unique ability of enterprises, whichis not easy or even impossible for competitors to imitate;615 Solid glue Brand Competitiveness has theability to enable enterprises to continue to make profits, but alsohas the brand premium ability to obtain excess profits.

所属分类:中国精细化学品网 / 热熔胶
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