Cancellation of individual industrial and commercialhouseholds
Cancellation conditions: Individual industrial and commercialhouseholds cease their business activities, have no outstandingdebts or claims, or have properly handled relevant debt and claimrelationships.
Cancellation process:
Preparation materials: Original and duplicate copies of thebusiness license, original and photocopy of the operator's ID card,original and duplicate copies of the tax registration certificate(for those who have already completed tax registration), officialseal and other materials need to be prepared.
Cancellation of tax registration: If an individual industrialand commercial household has completed tax registration, they needto first go to the Fangshan District tax authority to handle thecancellation of tax registration procedures. The specific processis similar to that of company tax cancellation, including clearingtaxes, canceling invoices, etc., and obtaining a "Tax CancellationCertificate".
Cancellation of business registration: Bring the above materialsand the "Tax Cancellation Certificate" to the Fangshan DistrictMarket Supervision and Administration Bureau to handle thecancellation of business registration. After submitting thecancellation application, the Market Supervision Administrationwill review the application materials. If the materials arecomplete and comply with the legal form, they will be accepted andthe cancellation registration will be completed within theprescribed time, and the original and duplicate copies of thebusiness license will be retrieved.
Cancellation of bank account: If an individual industrial andcommercial household has opened a bank account, after completingtax and industrial and commercial cancellation, they need to go tothe bank where the account was opened to handle the cancellationprocedures. They need to bring materials such as business licensecancellation certificate, tax cancellation certificate, operator IDcard, account opening permit, etc.
Cancellation of social security registration: If an individualindustrial and commercial household has paid social security forits employees, it is necessary to go to the social security agencyto handle the cancellation procedures of social securityregistration, and provide relevant materials such as cancellationcertificate and social security registration certificate.
matters needing attention
Advance planning: Before deciding to cancel, enterprises orindividual businesses should plan ahead and handle various affairsproperly, such as clearing assets, settling debts, etc., to ensurethe smooth progress of the cancellation process.
Complete documentation: When handling the cancellationprocedures, it is necessary to ensure that the materials providedare complete, authentic, and valid, otherwise it may result in thecancellation application being rejected and the cancellationprocess being delayed.
Tax compliance: Both companies and individual businesses mustensure tax compliance before deregistration, truthfully declare andpay taxes, clear all taxes, and avoid subsequent risks caused bytax issues.
Announcement and Publicity: In some cases, such as thecancellation of individual industrial and commercial households, itmay be necessary to make an announcement and publicity to informrelevant creditors. Announcement must be made according to theprescribed time and method to safeguard the legitimate rights andinterests of all parties.