· 注销税务登记申请:通过电子税务局或前往办税服务厅提交注销税务登记申请,并提交相关材料,如营业执照副本、法定代表人身份证、注销税务登记申请表等。税务机关受理后,会对公司的税务情况进行审核,确认无误后予以注销税务登记。
· 注销申请:公告期结束后,公司可向工商行政管理部门提交注销申请,需提交的材料包括注销登记申请书、营业执照正副本、股东会决议、清算报告等。工商行政管理部门审核通过后,将予以注销工商登记。
· 准备材料:公司需携带开户许可证、营业执照副本、法定代表人身份证、印鉴卡等相关材料前往开户银行办理银行账户注销手续。
· 印章销毁:公司注销后,需将公司的公章、财务章、发票章等各类印章交至公安机关指定的印章销毁机构进行销毁。
· 公司情况
· 某科技公司原本主要从事传统软件开发业务,随着市场变化,决定转型为专注于人工智能领域的研发,并成立了新的公司实体。需要注销原有的小规模科技公司。
· 注销过程
· 税务处理:该公司财务状况较为清晰,在税务注销环节,快速完成了税款清算和发票缴销,税务机关审核后批准了税务注销。
· 工商注销:成立清算组后,在北京市市场监督管理局指定的网站上进行了注销公告公示,公示期45天。期间无债权人提出异议。公示结束后提交注销申请,工商部门经审核各项材料齐全、清算程序合法后,予以注销工商登记。
· 社保与公积金注销:顺利办理了社保和公积金账户的注销手续,将账户内的余额按照规定进行了处理。
· 银行账户及其他注销:完成了银行账户的注销,并销毁了公司印章。将原公司持有的一些软件著作权等无形资产进行了妥善处理,或转移至新公司名下,或进行了放弃声明。
· 遇到的问题及解决方案
· 问题:公司名下有一些正在履行的合同,需要在注销前进行妥善处理。
· 解决方案:与合作方进行沟通协商,对于可以终止的合同,签订了终止协议,并按照合同约定承担了相应的责任;对于需要继续履行的合同,通过签订补充协议的方式,将合同权利义务转移至新成立的公司名下,确保了各方利益不受影响。
Case 2: Cancellation caused by business transformation
Company situation
A certain technology company originally mainly engaged intraditional software development business. With market changes, ithas decided to transform into a company focused on research anddevelopment in the field of artificial intelligence, and hasestablished a new corporate entity. Therefore, it is necessary tocancel the original small-scale technology company.
Cancellation process
Tax processing: The company's financial situation is relativelyclear. In the tax deregistration process, the tax settlement andinvoice cancellation were quickly completed, and the taxauthorities approved the tax deregistration after review.
Industrial and commercial deregistration: After theestablishment of the liquidation team, a deregistrationannouncement was made on the website designated by the BeijingMunicipal Administration for Market Regulation for a period of 45days. During this period, no creditors raised objections. After thepublic announcement is completed, a cancellation application shallbe submitted, and the industrial and commercial department shallcancel the industrial and commercial registration after verifyingthat all materials are complete and the liquidation procedures arelegal.
Cancellation of social security and housing provident fundaccounts: The cancellation procedures for social security andhousing provident fund accounts have been successfully completed,and the balance in the accounts has been processed according toregulations.
Bank account and other cancellations: The cancellation of thebank account has been completed and the company seal has beendestroyed. At the same time, some intangible assets such assoftware copyrights held by the original company have been properlydisposed of, transferred to the new company, or given up.
Encountered problems and solutions
Problem: The company has some ongoing contracts that need to beproperly handled before cancellation.
Solution: Communicate and negotiate with the partner, sign atermination agreement for contracts that can be terminated, andassume corresponding responsibilities according to the contractagreement; For contracts that require continued performance, therights and obligations of the contract are transferred to the newlyestablished company through the signing of a supplementaryagreement, ensuring that the interests of all parties are notaffected.