· 基础资料:通常需提供营业执照副本及复印件、组织机构代码证复印件、法定代表人身份证复印件等.
· 人员资质证明:企业负责人、质量管理人员的身份证明、学历或职称证
· 经营场所证明:提供经营场所的房产证明或房屋租赁协议,以及场所的地理位置图、平面图等,证明其符合经营要求,且经营场所和仓库不得设置在居民住宅内7.
· 质量管理文件:建立健全的质量管理体系文件,包括采购、验收、储存、销售、售后服务等环节的管理制度和操作流程,如质量管理制度、工作程序文件目录等.
· 设施设备清单:列出经营场所和仓库内配备的与医疗器械经营相适应的设施设备目录,如货架、温湿度监测设备、防虫防鼠设备等.
· 产品信息:如果有特定的二类医疗器械产品需要备案,还需提供该产品的技术资料、产品注册证书、供应商营业执照及许可证等4.
· 责令改正并警告:对于一些较轻的违规行为,监管部门通常会先责令企业改正,并给予警告,要求其在一定期限内纠正违规行为,如未按规定建立并执行进货查验记录制度等,会先收到责令改正和警告的通知18.
· 罚款:若企业拒不改正,可能会被处以罚款。罚款金额根据违规行为的性质和情节轻重而定,如经营无合格证明文件、过期、失效、淘汰的医疗器械,或者使用未依法注册的医疗器械,货值金额不足1 万元的,并处 2 万元以上 5 万元以下罚款;货值金额 1 万元以上的,并处货值金额 5 倍以上 20倍以下罚款
Medical device operators whofail to comply with regulations may face the followingpenalties:
Warning and Penalty
·Order to rectify and warn: Forsome minor violations, regulatory authorities usually order theenterprise to rectify and give a warning, requiring it to rectifythe violation within a certain period of time. If it fails toestablish and implement the purchase inspection record systemaccording to regulations, it will first receive a notice of orderto rectify and warning
·Fines: If a company refuses tomake corrections, it may be fined. The amount of the fine dependson the nature and severity of the violation. For example, ifoperating medical devices without qualified certificationdocuments, expired, invalid, or obsolete medical devices, or usingunregistered medical devices with a value of less than 10000 yuan,a fine of not less than 20000 yuan but not more than 50000 yuanshall be imposed; For goods with a value of over 10000 yuan, a fineof not less than 5 times but not more than 20 times the value ofthe goods shall be imposed