ation materials to the relevant departments; (2) the relevantdepartments shall accept the application of the applicant; (3)investigate the actual site and review the products; (4) grant theissuance of the third III medical device license.2. Legal basis:Article 14 of the Regulations on Supervision and Administration ofMedical Devices for the filing of Class I medical devices and theapplication for the registration of Class II and III medicaldevices shall submit the following materials: (1) product riskanalysis data; (2) technical requirements of the product; (3)product inspection report; (4) clinical evaluation data; (5)product instructions and label samples; (6) quality managementsystem documents related to product development and production; (7)other materials required to prove the safety and effectiveness ofthe product. The product inspection report shall meet therequirements of the drug regulatory department under The StateCouncil, and may be the self-inspection report of the medicaldevice registration applicant or record holder, or the inspectionreport issued by a qualified medical device inspe