Catalogue number: BB01
120 ml serum-free freezing media for long storage of cells
Key Benefits
Enables long term cell storage at -80°C or -196°C
Improved cell recovery and viability after thawing
Ready-to-use freezing media – no programmed or sequentialfreezing required
Serum-free – no risk of contamination
Usable for all know cell lines
Long shelf life
Long-term storage of cultured cells
Cryopreservation of mammalian cells is extremely valuable andcommon in biological research. Fear of losing a cell line tocontamination or incubator failure is frequently the impetus formaking archival storage of cells a high priority after receiving orgenerating a new cell line. Once transferred from growth media tofreezing medium, the cells are usually frozen at a controlled rateand stored in liquid nitrogen vapor or at -130°C in a mechanicaldeep freeze. Although freezing a cell line is a commonly performedprocedure, problems arise when suitable freezers are not available,or unwanted variables are introduced by the presence of serum,extra-wash or complicated freezing algorithms.
Save time while saving your cells
The cell freezing media BambankerTM permitscryopreservation of cells at -80°C (or in liquid nitrogen),obviating the need for an additional and expensive ultralow freezerand avoiding time consuming and complicated controlled freezingprotocols. Simply (1) harvest cells, (2) aspirate medium, (3)resuspend in BambankerTM (4)transfer to a cryovial and (5) store at -80°C. No programmed orsequential freezing is required! BambankerTM isa serum-free cryopreservation medium that is delivered ready-to-useand can be kept in the refrigerator for up to two years. Convenient20 ml bottles are available, making BambankerTM freezingmedium ideal for use by individual members of your lab. Today thisinnovative cell freezing medium BambankerTM isthe market leader in Japan and characterized by many differentpublished articles with very sensitive cell lines all over theworld.
Serum adds variation to long-term storage
All BambankerTM productsare produced with no serum. Cryopreservation media which containsera have the disadvantage of fluctuations in recovery rates andundefined composition. Reproducibility of experiments with cellswhich were frozen in a serum-containing-medium, could be affectedby lot-to-lot variation of the serum since the composition andconcentration of proteins and other biological molecules varieswith each batch of serum. This may result in issues when thawingand using cells from such serum-containing media. Breathe easy, asevery ingredient of BambankerTM isprecisely defined so that you can be confident that cells stored atdifferent times will all behave and recover similarly.
Universal – even for preservation of stemcells
All common cell lines can be preserved resulting in a high numberof intact cells after thawing. Recovery rates of evensensitive cells is much higher compared to regular media. Forexample the JCRB cell bank stores over 1,400 different cell lineswith great success with BambankerTM.
There a four different version of BambankerTM: