Difficulties in tax treatment for corporate restructuring
Problem description: In the process of corporate restructuring,there is confusion regarding the determination of equity payments,tax treatment of debt restructuring, and the scope of debt toequity swaps, and it is unclear how to accurately apply relevanttax policies.
Solution: Carefully study the relevant documents such as Caishui[2009] No. 59, clarify the concepts and applicable conditions ofequity payment and debt restructuring. If necessary, consult withtax authorities or tax consultants, such as the "Hongsheng Studio"of the Fangshan District Taxation Bureau.
The complex issue of land value-added tax settlement
Problem description: In the settlement of land value-added taxfor real estate development projects, there are issues related tocost allocation, identification of deduction items, and division ofsettlement units, which are complex to calculate and difficult tograsp in terms of policies.
Solution: Enterprises should establish a comprehensive costaccounting system to accurately record and collect various costexpenses. Actively communicate with the Fangshan District TaxationBureau and provide detailed project information as required, suchas project planning, contract agreements, invoices, etc. At thesame time, similar liquidation cases in the same industry can bereferenced to draw on experience.
Tax risk issues related to equity transfer
Problem description: During the process of equity transfer,there are concerns about determining the transfer price, the timeand method of tax declaration, and the tax authorities'verification of the authenticity of the transaction, which may leadto tax risks.
Solution: Both parties involved in the equity transfer shoulddetermine a reasonable transfer price based on the principle offair trade and provide relevant evaluation reports and othersupporting materials. Strictly follow the time and requirementsstipulated by tax laws for tax declaration, and pay taxes in atimely manner. Before handling the equity transfer procedures, youcan first communicate with the "Equity Transfer WeChat AppointmentReview System" of Fangshan District Taxation Bureau, and prepareand submit materials according to its guidelines.
Application of Tax Preferential Policies
Problem description: Enterprises have doubts about whether theymeet the conditions for tax preferential policies, how to apply forand enjoy preferential policies, and the things to pay attention toduring the process of enjoying preferential policies.
Solution: Enterprises should carefully study the various taxpreferential policies issued by the country and Beijing, and makejudgments based on their own situation. Consult and understand thespecific requirements and declaration process for policyapplication through the official website of Beijing MunicipalTaxation Bureau, "Hongsheng Studio" and other channels. Preparerelevant application materials as required and submit theapplication in a timely manner.
Inconsistencies between tax and business information
Problem description: There is a discrepancy between the businessregistration information and tax registration information of theenterprise, such as the failure to timely handle the changeregistration with the tax authority after the enterprise name,business scope, shareholder information, etc. are changed,resulting in tax abnormalities.
Solution: Enterprises should promptly verify their business andtax registration information to ensure consistency between the two.For information that has undergone changes, follow the prescribedprocedures and requirements to complete the change registrationprocedures at the tax authority and submit relevant supportingdocument