更新:2024-12-04 09:57 编号:35162373 发布IP: 浏览:2次- 发布企业
- 北京中盛启诚科技有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第19年主体名称:北京中盛启诚科技有限公司组织机构代码:91110106MAE27MXX20
- 报价
- 人民币¥2000.00元每件
- 小规模注销
- 一般人注销
- 吊销转注销
- 疑难注销
- 材料不全注销
- 高库存注销
- 关键词
- 小规模注销,一般人注销,吊销转注销,疑难注销,材料不全注销
- 所在地
- 北京市丰台区百强大道10号楼15至16层2单元1510
- 联系电话
- 13126739002
- 手机
- 13126739002
- 联系人
- 李小姐 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
- 请卖家联系我
- 13126739002
In Haidian District, the cancellation process for generaltaxpayers mainly includes the following steps:
Tax deregistration
Submit a cancellation application: Prepare materials such as"Application for Cancellation of VAT General TaxpayerRegistration", "Copy of Tax Registration Certificate", "CommitmentLetter for Cancellation Application of General Taxpayer", etc., andsubmit a cancellation application to the competent taxauthority
Processing invoice cancellation:
Provide the "Application for Cancellation of Value Added TaxSpecial Invoices", provide proof after paying the full nonrefundable balance, and the "List of Value Added Tax SpecialInvoices in Stock" to handle the cancellation procedures forvalue-added tax special invoices
Provide the "Application for Cancellation of Local TaxationInvoices by the Finance Department" and the "Detailed List of LocalTaxation Invoices by the Finance Department", and handle thecancellation procedures for local taxation invoices by the FinanceDepartment
Cancellation of tax account: Provide the "Application forCancellation of Taxpayer Account" and proof of payment of alltaxes, and handle the procedures for canceling the tax agencyaccount
Accept tax inspection: The competent tax authority or inspectionbureau will conduct tax inspections on enterprises, and enterprisesneed to actively cooperate. If problems are found, they need topromptly pay taxes and fines
Receiving cancellation notice: After the tax authority completesthe audit and verification, they will issue the "Tax InspectionConclusion", "Approval Form for Cancellation of Tax Registration",and "Notice of Cancellation of Tax Registration"
Liquidation team filing
Establishment of liquidation team: After the enterprise decidesto cancel, a liquidation team must be established within 15 days,responsible for clearing the company's assets, preparing balancesheets and property lists, and handling unfinished business relatedto liquidation
Filing application: Submit a filing application for theliquidation team to the Haidian District Market SupervisionAdministration, and provide a copy of the business license,shareholder meeting resolution, filing application form, copy ofthe legal representative's ID card, ID cards and U-disks of theliquidation team members, and other materials
Publish and publicize in newspapers
Announcement: Publish a cancellation notice in a newspaperrecognized by the Haidian District Market SupervisionAdministration, with a notice period of 45 days. The content of thenotice should indicate the company name, registration number,reason for cancellation, and inform creditors to declare theirdebts within the prescribed period
Business deregistration
Preparation materials: Bring the original and duplicate copiesof the business license, tax cancellation notice, liquidationreport, shareholder meeting resolution, official seal and othermaterials
Submit application: Fill out the cancellation application format the Haidian District Market Supervision Administration, submitrelevant materials, apply for industrial and commercialcancellation. After the industrial and commercial bureau approvesthe application, the business license will be revoked and a noticeof industrial and commercial cancellation will be issued
Bank account and other cancellations
Bank account cancellation: Bring the industrial and commercialcancellation notice, tax cancellation certificate, bank accountopening permit, official seal, financial seal, legal representativeseal and other materials to the bank where the account is opened tohandle the bank account cancellation procedures
Other cancellations: If there are organization codecertificates, statistical certificates, and other relateddocuments, they also need to go to the corresponding department tohandle the cancellation procedures
成立日期 | 2024年10月14日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘帅 | ||
注册资本 | 10 | ||
主营产品 | 工商变更,税务咨询,代理记账,医疗器械销售资质,医疗器械二类备案,医疗器械三类经营许可证,辐射安全许可证,全国舞台美术协会证书 | ||
经营范围 | 一般项目:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;企业管理咨询;企业管理;企业形象策划;市场营销策划;社会经济咨询服务;版权代理;知识产权服务(专利代理服务除外);商标代理;办公用品销售;广告发布;广告设计、代理;广告制作;计算机系统服务;人工智能基础软件开发;人工智能应用软件开发;项目策划与公关服务;会议及展览服务;市场调查(不含涉外调查);组织文化艺术交流活动;非居住房地产租赁。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)许可项目:专利代理。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)(不得从事国家和本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。) | ||
公司简介 | 北京中盛启诚科技有限公司是一家新成立的公司,专注于提供多项服务。以下是对该公司主营业务的详细分析:一、工商变更北京中盛启诚科技有限公司提供工商变更服务,这包括但不限于公司名称、法定代表人、经营范围、注册资本、股东结构等信息的变更。此类服务对于企业在发展过程中调整经营策略、优化股权结构等方面具有重要意义。二、税务咨询税务咨询是公司的重要业务之一。税务咨询涵盖税收政策解读、税务申报、税务风险防范等多个 ... |
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- 北京海淀》一般人注销》20-30天办结》专业辅助办理2,000.00元/件
小规模注销:一般人注销 - 北京海淀》严重违法注销》20-30天办结》专业内外勤协助办理2,000.00元/件
小规模注销:一般人注销 - 北京海淀》严重违法注销》20-30天办结》专业辅助办理2,000.00元/件
小规模注销:一般人注销 - 北京海淀》工商、年报异常注销》20-30天办结》专业内外勤协助办理1,500.00元/件
小规模注销:一般人注销 - 北京海淀》工商、年报异常注销》20-30天办结》专业辅助办理1,500.00元/件
小规模注销:一般人注销 - 北京海淀》一无所有注销》20-30天办结》专业辅助办理2,000.00元/件
小规模注销:一般人注销 - 北京海淀》一无所有注销》20-30天办结》专业内外勤协助办理2,000.00元/件
小规模注销:一般人注销 - 北京海淀》疑难税务注销》20-30天办结》专业辅助办理2,500.00元/件
小规模注销:一般人注销 - 北京海淀》疑难税务注销》20-30天办结》专业内外勤协助办理2,500.00元/件
小规模注销:一般人注销 - 北京通州》严重违法注销》20-30天办结》专业辅助办理2,500.00元/件