ups电源科华100kva 科华YTR(/B)33100 三进三出参数
更新:2025-01-25 07:07 编号:35032021 发布IP: 浏览:3次- 发布企业
- 北京致新网能科技有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:北京致新网能科技有限公司组织机构代码:91110111MA01BM5858
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- 型号
- YTR(/B)33100
- 货源类别
- 现货
- 关键词
- 工业ups,不间断电源,不间断电源100kva,YTR33100,备用电源
- 所在地
- 北京市朝阳区红军营南路天畅园7号楼2304
- 联系电话
- 010-51661730
- 手机
- 13720034656
- 经理
- 庄先生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
工业ups不间断电源100kva 科华YTR(/B)33100 三进三出高频在线式
In terms of structure, UPS power supply can mainly be composedof batteries, inverters, rectifiers and static switches and othermain parts:
1, battery: mainly as a UPS power storage device, it has anumber of batteries in series, the size of its capacity determinesthe length of emergency power time. Its main function is to convertelectrical energy into chemical energy stored in the battery, whenthe need for power failure, but also can convert the chemicalenergy in the battery into electricity to provide our electricalequipment;
2, inverter: Generally speaking, the inverter is a device thatconverts direct current into alternating current, which is composedof three parts: filter circuit, control logic and inverterbridge;
3, rectifier: rectifier and inverter is a device that convertsalternating current into direct current, it has two main roles, oneis to convert alternating current into direct current afterfiltering processing to provide the load equipment or inverter, andanother role is to play a charging voltage role for the battery,like a charger;
4, static switch: also known as static switch, belongs to acontactless switch, by two thyristor direction parallel, and by thelogic controller freely control its closure and disconnection.Divided into two types of parallel type and conversion type, theparallel type switch is mainly used for parallel parallel invertersand mains power supplies, or multiple inverters. The converterswitch is mainly used for the power supply of two power supplies toachieve automatic switching from one way to the other.
工业ups不间断电源100kva 科华YTR(/B)33100 三进三出高频在线式
成立日期 | 2018年04月23日 | ||
注册资本 | 1000 | ||
主营产品 | 山特UPS电源,科华UPS电源,科士达UPS电源,维谛UPS电源,施耐德UPS电源,华为UPS电源,雷诺士UPS电源,英威腾UPS电源,施克蓄电池,恒安蓄电池 | ||
公司简介 | 公司简介北京致新网能科技有限公司成立于2018年,是一家专注于UPS电源、免维护蓄电池、稳压电源、EPS电源、机房精密空调等产品销售和售后服务的电力电源保障系统综合服务商。致新网能一直致力于将优质的产品和完善的服务提供给用户,努力整合行业资源,先后代理品牌13家,成为雷诺士华北区总代理,山特、华为、施耐德、科士达、科华、艾默生的代理商,恒安、施克品牌的中国区总代理,库房占地面的600平米,拥有充足 ... |
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