Business license of medical devices.
There are three types of business licenses for medicalenterprises, among which the first type of medical device licensecan be directly processed, the second type of product requires asecond type of medical device business registration certificate,and the third type of product requires a third type of medicaldevice business license. Firstly, the operating enterprise mustclarify the conditions for applying for a Class III medical deviceoperating license and meet the relevant requirements. (1) Havingtwo quality management organizations or personnel that are suitablefor the scale and scope of operations. Quality management personnelshall have relevant professional education or professional titlesrecognized by the state. Quality management personnel shall be onduty and shall not hold part-time positions in other units; (2)Having a relatively independent business premises that are suitablefor the scale and scope of operations; (3) Having storageconditions that are suitable for the scale and scope of operation,including storage facilities and equipment that meet therequirements of medical device product characteristics; (4) A soundproduct quality management system should be established, includingprocurement, incoming inspection, warehousing and storage, outboundreview, quality tracking system, and reporting system for adverseevents; (5) It should have the ability to provide technicaltraining and after-sales service that is suitable for the medicaldevice products it operates. (6) Having a quality management systemthat is compatible with the medical devices being operated.
Secondly, operating enterprises need to know what documents arerequired to apply for the three types of medical device operatinglicenses.
(1) Submit the application form for the license of medicaldevice operating enterprises, with the legal representative signingor affixing the company seal;
(2) Copy and original verification of the enterprise namepre-approval certificate or Business License issued by theAdministration for Industry and Commerce;
(3) Copy of the ID card, educational background or professionaltitle certificate, and personal resume of the person in charge ofenterprise quality management; Copy of ID card, educationalbackground or professional title certificate of quality managementpersonnel;
(4) Geographical location map, floor plan (indicating area),property ownership certificate or copy of lease agreement of thebusiness premises and warehouse;
(5) Enterprise product quality management system documents,storage facilities, and equipment catalogs.
(6) When applying for a Class III medical device businesslicense that includes drugs that require refrigeration, thetransportation equipment and storage facilities and equipment thatthe enterprise has are listed in the table.