赛特蓄电池12V7AH BT-12M7.0AC青鸟消防主机免维护备用
Regular maintenance of detailedparameters of Sante UPS power supply C3K3KVA: Remove dust insidethe machine, measure the voltage of the battery pack, replaceunqualified batteries, check the operation of the fan, check thesystem parameters of the UPS.
When using Sante ups powersupply, be sure to follow the manufacturer's product manual toensure that the connected fire line, neutral line, ground line meetthe requirements, do not allow users to change their orders to eachother. For example, the communication input wiring of a brand ofUPS power supply in the United States and the connection method ofthe communication input socket there are also three-phase UPS needsto pay attention to the phase sequence problem, otherwise it willpresent a phase sequence error alarm.
Each user will purchase SandtUPS power after the device is used in different places, it isrecommended to look at the device and wiring details before thedevice. In fact, in addition to the technical requirements, SanteUPS power supply also has certain requirements for the environmentwhere it is placed, and Sante UPS authorized operators share withus what kind of needs Sante ups power supply has for theenvironment of the device.
赛特蓄电池12V7AH BT-12M7.0AC青鸟消防主机免维护备用