The discharge rate represents the discharge current of a battery,which can be divided into time rate and current rate. The dischargetime rate refers to the length of time it takes for the battery todischarge to the discharge termination voltage at a certaindischarge capacity. For example, in a 25 ℃ environment, if thebattery is discharged at the current It to the dischargetermination voltage, the discharge process is called the t-hourrate, and the discharge It is called the t-hour rate dischargecurrent. According to IEC standards, the discharge time rate has20, 10, 5, 3, 1, 0.5 hour rates, and minute rates. The dischargecurrent rate is set to compare the current sizes of batteries withdifferent rated capacities. The t-hour rate discharge current isexpressed in It, usually represented by the 10 hour rate current asthe standard I10.