PLATINUM蓄电池 AGM LB6110L 12V100AH 免维护 重型电池
白金AGM PLUS休闲电池12V 100AH AGMLB6110L
This information has been published on the website to help ourcustomers get the maximum service life and performance from theirbatteries. This information will help our customers get the mostfrom their battery and keep it in optimum health. By following theguide below, the only way your battery will fail is from old age, amanufacturing fault or from physical damage.
Please refer to the safety note provided in your package with thebattery. It is imperative to remove the transport plugs (smallred/yellow/grey/black plugs depending on the manufacturer) beforeuse or loading. The batteries are delivered ready to use and do notrequire recharging before use (with the exception of somemotorcycle models). However, it can be beneficial to charge beforeuse. We recommend that you do so before installing your battery ifits voltage is less than 12.4v.
Battery Care
Thebest (and easiest) way to check the state of charge of a battery isto use a voltmeter or multimeter to measure the voltage. Once youknow the exact voltage, you can determine the state of charge asfollows:-
• 12.7v or + No action required, battery recharged
• 75% 12.4v No action required
• 50% 12.1v Battery must be recharged
• 25% 11.6v Battery needs a full recharge as soon aspossible
• 0% 10.5v Fully discharged battery, to be recharged as soon aspossible
Themore a battery is discharged before each recharging, the more itloses capacity and it’s life is shortened as a result. It isimperative never to fully discharge a battery (no matter how smallthe battery or its technology or application) and to recharge it assoon as possible.
Over time, dirt and debris can collect on your battery and corrodemetal elements such as battery terminals. Therefore, it’s importantto clean your car battery every few months to avoid long-termdamage. You can either create your own cleaning solution by usingbaking soda and water or some electrical contact cleaner with awire brush to remove any crust and corrosion left on the battery.Keep in mind to wipe off any cleaning fluid residue on the batteryso it doesn’t go through the battery ports and cause anydamage.
Never leave your battery in a discharged state
When a battery has been fully charged it can quite happily bestored away for 2-3 months. However when a battery is flat, storingit for this period would almost certainly damage it beyondrepair.
Thereason behind this is a chemical process called sulphation. When abattery is charged this chemical process cannot take place.However, when the battery's voltage falls below 12.4V this processbegins. The process causes sulphur crystals to form on the leadplates inside the battery, which in turn increases the battery'selectrical resistance. The longer this process is allowed tocontinue the worse the effect. Eventually the battery will becomeso electrically resistant, that you will be unable to charge thebattery, let alone draw power from it.
Ifthis process is caught early you may be able to salvage the batteryusing a battery charger with a pulse charge function. This willpartially break down the sulphur crystals but the battery willnever reach its full capacity again. It is also just as harmful toleave a battery charging over a long period of time.
Keeping a constant voltage at the battery terminals during thecharge maintenance phase will have the effect of sulphating theinternal plates in the same way as a deep discharge. We recommendperforming a regular charge and discharge cycle. For slow dischargebatteries, we recommend an equalisation charge every 30 to 90 days(15.5v charge for several hours in order to remove the sulphatefrom the plates).
Remember that if your battery fails due to sulphation it will notbe covered under warranty. This kind of failure is classed asdamage caused by the user through neglect.
Never overcharge your battery
Although you must always keep your battery as charged as possiblewhen not in use, you must never overcharge it. Overcharging willcause the battery to heat up and its electrolyte will start toevaporate. In turn this will cause the battery's plates to breakdown, severely reducing the battery's ability to yield power.
Overcharging can be caused by a faulty regulator on a vehicle'scharging system or by a manual charger being left on continuouslyat a high charging rate. It is also just as harmful to leave abattery charging over a long period of time. Keeping a constantvoltage at the battery terminals during the charge maintenancephase will have the effect of sulphating the internal plates in thesame way as a deep discharge.
Werecommend performing a regular charge and discharge cycle. For slowdischarge batteries, we recommend an equalisation charge every 30to 90 days (15.5v charge for several hours in order to remove thesulphate from the plates). This type of damage is also not coveredunder warranty.
Avoid deep discharging when possible
Everybody knows that a battery will deteriorate over time, and willeventually have to be replaced. Every time you use your batterythen recharge it, its performance is ever so slightly decreased.This cannot be avoided. However, the severity of this decrement canbe limited.
Theway to achieve this is to not discharge your battery too deeply.Deep discharging causes the performance decrement to be moresevere. Therefore once you have used the battery for the day, it isbest to recharge rather than use it until it becomes flat.
Obviously, in the real world this is not always possible as thebattery may be fully drained with one day's use. But when you can,recharge the battery before it's fully discharged.
Check the electrolyte levels in your battery
Most modern batteries are the sealed, maintenance-free type, butthere are still a few open vent batteries on the market. If youhave one of these you should always check the battery levelsregularly. The level of the electrolyte should be just above thebattery plates, ensuring the whole plate is submerged. Any part ofthe plate, which is not submerged, is prone to break down. This inturn will decrease the performance of the battery.
Ifyou need to top up the battery levels, make sure you only usede-ionised water. Using tap water will cause mineral build up onthe plates and reduce the performance of the battery.
Forthose of you with sealed, maintenance-free batteries this is not aconcern, as they are designed to retain their electrolyte undernormal conditions. The only way these batteries will have lowelectrolyte levels is if the battery is overcharged.