申请人向行政受理服务中心提出申请,按照本《须知》第六条所列目录提交申请材料,受理中心工作人员按照《境内第三类、境外医疗器械注册申报资料受理标准》(国药监械[2005]111号)的要求对申请材料进行形式审查。申请事项依法不需要取得行政许可的,应当即时告知申请人不受理;申请事项依法不属于本行政机关职权范围的,应当即时作出不 予受理的决定,并告知申请人向有关行政
Standards for Registration and Application Materials ofDomestic Third Class and Overseas Medical Devices (National DrugAdministration [2005] No.111). If the application items do not needto obtain the administrative license according to law, theapplicant shall immediately inform the applicant of not acceptingthe application; if the application items do not fall within thescope of functions and powers of the administrative organ accordingto law, the applicant shall immediately reject and inform theapplicant to the relevant administration