韩国GLOBAL蓄电池SMF57528 不断电12V58AH储能应急电源
① Control the weight andthickness of the grid and coating from the source;
② Before final assembly, theplates are weighed and graded one by one (for batteries with acapacity of ≥ 38Ah) to ensure relative consistency in the amount ofactive substances in each individual cell;
③ Quantitative and precise acidinjection, four charge and three discharge system, balanced batteryperformance;
④ Before going offline,discharge the battery and perform a primary grouping of capacityand open circuit voltage;
⑤ The static period inspectionof batteries with a capacity of ≥ 38Ah before leaving thewarehouse, after a 7-15 day "time test", can effectively detect avery small number of suspicious batteries that are difficult todetect when going offline, and then conduct a inspection whenleaving the warehouse;
⑥ Secondary grouping is carriedout based on the open circuit voltage and internal resistance ofthe battery when leaving the warehouse
大功率充放电特性好 正、负极板均选用涂膏式构造,紧机械加工工艺,内电阻小,大功率充放电特性好,具备的启动工作能力,30°陡坡上坡轻松自在。