DC-to-ATX转换器,DC-ATX转换器ATX电源12V60W 12V80W 824V120W 直流电源

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12VDC Input 60W DC-ATXConvertor

This specification defines theperformances and characteristics of a 60 watts, 5 output level DCto DC converter for use in ITX computer system product.



Ripple & Noise: 200mVp-p


The converter efficiency shouldnot be less than 90% at the maximum load with nominal DC inputvoltage.

3,Output PowerDistribution:

Load Current (A),






Maximum Combined Power (W): 63,At max combined power 110W, a fan is required.

4,Output VoltageRegulation:

+12V,+5V,+3.3V and +5VSB:5%

-12V: 5%

5,Output Ripple andNoise:

Ripple and noise are defined asperiodic or random signals over frequency band of 10Hz to 20MHz.Measurement shall be made with an oscilloscope with 20MHzbandwidth. Output should be bypass at the connector with a 0.1uFceramic capacitor and a 10uF electrolytic capacitor to simulatesystem loading.

Maximum Ripple & Noise (mVp-p)

+12V: 120

+5V: 50

+3.3V: 50

-12V: 200

+5VSB: 50

6,+5VSB Output:

The +5VSB is a standby supplyoutput is active whenever the DC input is present.

7,DC Output:

This DC output +5VSB iscontrolled by the DC input, but the other DC output is controlledby the "PS-ON#" signal and DC input.

8,Overshoot andUndershoot:

Any overshoot at turn on orundershoot at turn off shall be less than 0% of the nominal outputvoltage values.

9,Power-on Time:

The Power-on time is defined asthe time from when PS-ON# is pulled low to when the +12VDC, +5VDC,and +3.3VDC output are within the regulation range specified insection 3.2. The power-on time shall be less than 500ms(T1500ms).

10,Rise Time:

The output voltage shall risefrom 10% of nominal to within the regulation ranges specified insection 3.1 within 0.2ms to 20ms (0.2ms QT2 Q20ms).


11,Power GoodSignal:

PS-ON# is an active-low,TTL-compatible signal. When PS-ON# is pulled to TTL low, theconverter should turn on the four main DC output rails: +12VDC,+5VDC, +3.3VDC, and C12VDC. When PS-ON# is pulled to TTL high oropen-circuit, the DC output rails should not deliver current.PS-ON# has no effect on +5VSB output, which is always enablewhenever the DC input is present.

Logic level

"High" is 2.0V ~5.25V

"Low" is 0.0V ~ 0.8V

12,Over VoltageProtection:

When the +12VDC, +5Vdc, and+3.3VDC output have over voltage condition, the converter shallprovide latch mode over voltage protection.

13,Short CircuitProtection:

An output short circuit isdefined as any output impedance of less than 0.1 ohms. Theconverter shall shut down and latch off for shorting the +3.3VDC,+5VDC, or +12VDC rails to return or any other rail. Shorts betweenmain output rails and +5Vsb shall not cause any damage toconverter. The converter shall either shut down and latch off orfold back for shorting the negative rails. +5Vsb must be capable ofbeing shorted indefinitely, but when the short is removed, the+5Vsb output shall recovery automatically or by cycling PS-ON#. Theconverter shall be capable of withstanding a continuousshort-circuit to the output without damage or overstress to theunit.

14,Over PowerProtection:

The converter can useelectronic circuit to limit the output power against excess 110W ofsurge power or protected against excessive power delivery atsection 6.1 temperature environment due to short circuit of anyoutput or over total power at any input condition.



No damage or hazardouscondition should occur with all the DC output connectorsdisconnected from the load. The converter may latch into theshutdown state.

16,Reset AfterShutdown:

If the converter latches into ashutdown state because of a fault condition on its outputs, theconverter shall return to normal operation only after the fault hasbeen removed and PS_ON# has been cycled OFF/ON with a minimum OFFtime of two seconds.


Operation Temperature: 0 to 40Relative humidity: 10% to 90%, non-Condensing.

Shipping and storageTemperature: -40 to +70 Relative humidity: 5% to 95%,non-Condensing.


The demonstrated MTBF shall be100,000 hours of continuous operation at 25 full load, 80%confidence limit and nominal line. The MTBF of converter shall becalculated in accordance with MIL-STD-217D/E. The DC Fan is notincluded.

Burn-in Test: The power supplyshall be burn-in tested with maximum loading and 40environment temperature.


Weight: The converter weight:about 45 grams.

DC-ATX Power Supply Converterboard  12VDC Input 80W for mini PC 20pin or 24pinavailable

12VDC Input 80W DC-ATXConvertor

This specification defines theperformances and characteristics of a 87 watts,5 output level DC toDC converter for use in ITX computer system product.



Ripple & Noise: 200mVp-p


3,Output PowerDistribution:

Load Current (A),






Maximum Combined Power (W): 87,At max combined power 140W, a fan is required.

4,Output VoltageRegulation:

+12V,+5V,+3.3V and +5VSB:10%

-12V: 15%

5,Output Ripple andNoise:

Ripple and noise are defined asperiodic or random signals over frequency band of

10Hz to 20MHz. Measurementshall be made with an oscilloscope with 20MHz bandwidth. Outputshould be bypass at the connector with a 0.1uF ceramic diskcapacitor and a 10uF electrolytic capacitor to simulate systemloading.

Maximum Ripple & Noise (mVp-p)

+12V: 120

+5V: 50

+3.3V: 50

-12V: 200

+5VSB: 50

6,+5VSB Output:

7,DC Output:

8,Overshoot andUndershoot:

Any overshoot at turn on orundershoot at turn off shall be less than 10% of the nominal outputvoltage values.

9,Power-on Time:

The Power-on time is defined asthe time from when PS-ON# is pulled low to when the

+12VDC, +5VDC, and +3.3VDCoutput are within the regulation range specified insection

3.2. The power-on time shall beless than 500ms (T1£¼500ms).

10,Rise Time:

The output voltage shall risefrom 10% of nominal to within the regulation rangesspecified

in section 3.1 within 0.2ms to20ms (0.2ms¨QT2¨Q20ms).

11,Power GoodSignal:

PS-ON# is an active-low,TTL-compatible signal. When PS-ON# is pulled to TTL low, theconverter should turn on the four main DC output rails: +12VDC,+5VDC, +3.3VDC,

and ¨C12VDC. When PS-ON# ispulled to TTL high or open-circuit, the DC output rails

should not deliver current.PS-ON# has no effect on +5VSB output, which is always enablewhenever the DC input is present.

Logic level£º

"High" is 2.0V ~5.25V

"Low" is 0.0V ~ 0.8V

12,Over VoltageProtection:

When the +12VDC, +5Vdc, and+3.3VDC output have over voltage condition, the converter shallprovide latch mode over voltage protection

13,Short CircuitProtection:

An output short circuit isdefined as any output impedance of less than 0.1 ohms.The

converter shall shut down andlatch off for shorting the +3.3VDC, +5VDC, or +12VDCrails

to return or any other rail.Shorts between main output rails and +5Vsb shall not cause anydamage to converter. The converter shall either shut down and latchoff or fold back for shorting the negative rails. +5Vsb must becapable of being shorted indefinitely, but when

the short is removed, the +5Vsboutput shall recovery automatically or by cycling PS-ON#. Theconverter shall be capable of withstanding a continuousshort-circuit to the output

without damage or overstress tothe unit.

14,Over PowerProtection:

The converter can useelectronic circuit to limit the output power against excess 140W ofsurge power or protected against excessive power delivery atsection 6.1 temperature environment due to short circuit of anyoutput or over total power at any input condition.


16,Reset AfterShutdown:

If the converter latches into ashutdown state because of a fault condition on its outputs, theconverter shall return to normal operation only after the fault hasbeen removed and

PS_ON# has been cycled OFF/ONwith a minimum OFF time of two seconds.



The demonstrated MTBF shall be100,000 hours of continuous operation at 25¡ full load, 80%confidence limit and nominal line. The MTBF of converter shall becalculated in accordance with MIL-STD-217D/E. The DC Fan is notincluded.



Weight: The converter weight:about 45 grams.

->> 8-24VDC Input 120W DCto ATX Power Convertor Board for Bus Truck Battery<<--


Dimensions (MM): L155.8 × W44.8× H17

Input voltage: +8 V / DC - +24V / DC

Output Power: 120W

Efficiency:> =92%

Operating temperature: 0 ℃ ~ 40℃

Storage Temperature: -20 ℃ ~ 80℃

Output electricalcharacteristic 

Voltage Min(V) Max(V) Min(A)Max(A) Ripple(mV) Line Scp

+12V 11.4 12.6 0 6 120 YellowSPS-down

+5V 4.75 5.25 0 5 50 RedSPS-down

-12V -11.4V -12.6V 0 0.1 240blue NON

+3.3V 3.14 3.47 0 5 50 OrangeSPS-down

+5VSB 4.75 5.25 0 1 50 PurpleSPS-down


Order info.

DC2ATX_824V120W(P20) dc-dcconvertor,8-24vdc in, 120W output12v6a,5v6a,3.3v6a,-12v0.1a,5vsb1a,156x45x17mm,20pin

DC2ATX_824V120W(P24) dc-dcconvertor,8-24vdc in, 120W output12v6a,5v6a,3.3v6a,-12v0.1a,5vsb1a,156x45x17mm,24pin

DC-to-ATX转换器,DC-ATX转换器ATX电源12V60W 12V80W 824V120W 直流电源的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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