1.《 医疗器械经营许可申请表》(原件1份)
hase to sales. Materials required for applying for the MedicalDevice Business License: The medical device business license ishandled according to the Implementation Rules of BeijingMunicipality (2017 Revision), and the specific materials are asfollows: 1. Application Form for Business License of Medical Device(1 original) 2. Copy of Business License (original copy forinspection); (1 copy) 3. The legal representative, head of theenterprise, quality of the identity certificate (check theoriginal), certificate or title certificate copy (for unifiedpurchasing channels, take the chain enterprise headquarters qualityidentity certificate, degree or copy of the title certificate);(submit the original) (copy of 3 copies) 4. Basic information ofthe enterprise (1 original copy).(Content includes: organizationand department set instructions, premises, warehouse location map,plan (indicate area), warehouse of property certificate and theright certificate copy, (entrust storage, should be submitted tothe site location map, plan (indicate area) and the writtenagreement signed with the principal party, the principal copy ofthe medical device business license) 5. Enterprise facilities andequipment information (1 original copy).(Contents include: businessfacilities, equipment catalogue, business quality managementsystem, working procedures and other documents catalogue, basicinformation introduction of