business license of Class III medical device is as follows: (1)the applicant submits the application materials to the relevantdepartment; (2) the relevant department accepts the application ofthe applicant; (3) investigate the actual site and review theproduct; (4) grant the Class III medical device license.2. Legalbasis: Article 14 of the Regulations on the Supervision andAdministration of Medical Devices for the filing of Class I medicaldevices and the application for the registration of Class II andClass III medical devices, the following materials shall besubmitted: (1) product risk analysis data; (2) product technicalrequirements; (ii) product inspection report; (3) productinspection report; (4) clinical evaluation data; (5) productinstructions and label samples; 4. The copy of Pre-approval ofEnterprise Name or the Industrial and Commercial Business Licenseissued by the administrative department for industry and commerceshall be the same as the original, the copy is confirmed andretained, the original is returned; 5. Real pro