investigate the actual site and audit the products; (4)Grant the issuance of a class III medical device license. 2. Legalbasis: Article 14 of the Regulations on the Supervision andAdministration of Medical Devices As for the registration of ClassII and III medical devices, the following materials shall besubmitted: (1) Product risk analysis data; (2) Technicalrequirements for the products; (3) Product inspection report; (4)Clinical evaluation data; (5) Product specification and labelsamples; (6) quality management system documents related to productdevelopment and production; (7) other materials required to provethe safety and effectiveness of the product. 4,2 or more medicalprofessional or related professional certificates, sfz Ming andresume; 5. Office space and warehouse certificate that meet thebusiness requirements of medical equipment; 6. Articles ofassociation, resolutions of shareholders' meeting, etc.; 7,financial personnel sfz and work certificate;