北京酒店装饰设计 嘉宁颂
更新:2025-02-01 20:30 编号:21948233 发布IP: 浏览:10次- 发布企业
- 北京嘉宁颂设计事务所有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第2年主体名称:北京嘉宁颂设计事务所有限公司组织机构代码:91110117MACKTRWQ5U
- 报价
- 人民币¥1500.00元每平方米
- 品牌
- 嘉宁颂设计
- 型号
- 酒店室内设计
- 产地
- 北京
- 关键词
- 酒店室内装修设计,北京酒店装修设计,酒店室内设计,酒店装修设计,北京酒店室内设计,北京酒店装修设计,北京嘉宁颂事务所
- 所在地
- 北京市平谷区中关村科技园区平谷园1区-230714(集群注册)
- 联系电话
- 18901199715
- 手机
- 18901199715
- 联系人
- 刘先生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Beijing Hotel Decoration Design: Jia Ningsong
Beijing Hotel Decoration Design is a crucial aspect of creatinga comfortable and visually appealing space for guests. Jia NingsongDesign, committed to delivering top-notch interior designsolutions, presents its expertise in hotel interior decoration.With a price of 1500.00 yuan per square meter, Jia Ningsong Designoffers professional services in the field of hotel interiordecoration in Beijing.
- Hotel interior decoration design
- Beijing hotel decoration design
- Hotel interior design
- Hotel decoration design
- Beijing hotel interior design
- Beijing hotel decoration design
- Beijing Jia Ningsong Design Studio
- Brand: Jia Ningsong Design
- Model: Hotel interior design
- Origin: Beijing
Current Status and Development of the Hotel Interior DesignIndustry in Beijing:
The hotel industry in Beijing has experienced significant growthin recent years, leading to an increased demand for hotel interiordesign services. As the competition becomes fierce, hotels are nowfocusing more on providing unique and aesthetically pleasinginteriors to attract guests. This has created a tremendousopportunity for hotel interior design firms like Jia NingsongDesign to showcase their expertise in transforming hotel spacesinto captivating and functional environments.
Basic Styles of Hotel Interior Design:
When it comes to hotel interior design, there are several stylesthat designers can draw inspiration from. These styles includemodern, contemporary, traditional, minimalist, and boutique.Depending on the hotel's theme and target audience, Jia NingsongDesign combines elements from these styles to create a harmoniousand inviting atmosphere that aligns with the hotel's brand andvision.
Utilization of Materials in Hotel Interior Design:
The choice of materials in hotel interior design plays a vitalrole in creating a luxurious and comfortable ambiance. Jia NingsongDesign carefully selects materials such as high-quality woods,stones, metals, fabrics, and decorative items that both enhance theoverall aesthetic and withstand the demands of a hotel environment.The designers' extensive knowledge and experience ensure that theselection of materials complements the design concept, adding valueto the space.
Service Flow in Hotel Interior Design:
Jia Ningsong Design follows a stringent service flow to deliverexceptional results in hotel interior design projects. The processbegins with an initial consultation and understanding of thehotel's requirements, followed by the creation of design conceptsand presentation to the client. After finalizing the design, theteam proceeds with detailed drawings, material selection, andproject implementation. Throughout the process, Jia Ningsong Designmaintains close communication with the client to ensuresatisfaction and timely completion of the project.
Expertise and Guidance from Beijing Jia Ningsong DesignStudio:
As a leading design studio in Beijing, Jia Ningsong Designpossesses a wealth of professional knowledge and experience inhotel interior decoration. The team provides detailed andcomprehensive guidance to clients, ensuring that every aspect ofthe project is handled meticulously. From space planning andfurniture selection to lighting design and color schemes, JiaNingsong Design delivers personalized solutions tailored to theclient's vision.
Uncovering Overlooked Details:
In the world of hotel interior design, it's the smallest detailsthat can make a significant impact. Jia Ningsong Design excels inuncovering those often unnoticed details that add uniqueness andcharm to a hotel's interior. Whether it's a specially designedlobby centerpiece, an intricate wall feature, or custom-madefurniture, Jia Ningsong Design pays attention to every corner ofthe hotel, elevating the overall experience for guests.
Jia Ningsong Design, as a prominent player in Beijing's hotelinterior decoration industry, offers unmatched expertise increating stunning and functional spaces that leave a lastingimpression. With their extensive knowledge, attention to detail,and customer-oriented approach, Jia Ningsong Design is the perfectpartner for hotels seeking exceptional interior designsolutions.
成立日期 | 2023年06月01日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘硕 | ||
注册资本 | 268 | ||
主营产品 | 室内装修设计 别墅装修设计 餐饮装修设计 酒店装饰设计 办公室设计 | ||
经营范围 | 许可项目:建设工程设计;人防工程设计;地质灾害治理工程设计;建设工程勘察;建设工程施工;施工专业作业;建筑劳务分包;住宅室内装饰装修。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)一般项目:工业工程设计服务;专业设计服务;平面设计;工程技术服务(规划管理、勘察、设计、监理除外);工业设计服务;规划设计管理;土石方工程施工;园林绿化工程施工;对外承包工程;劳务服务(不含劳务派遣);家具销售;工艺美术品及礼仪用品销售(象牙及其制品除外);工艺美术品及收藏品零售(象牙及其制品除外);刀剑工艺品销售;建筑材料销售;建筑装饰材料销售;金属材料销售;日用百货销售;仪器仪表销售;金属制品销售;五金产品零售;办公设备销售;机械电气设备销售;电气设备销售;文具用品零售;办公用品销售;日用品销售;体育用品及器材零售;广告设计、代理;图文设计制作;工程造价咨询业务;信息咨询服务(不含许可类信息咨询服务);信息技术咨询服务;技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;会议及展览服务;组织文化艺术交流活动;城市绿化管理;灯具销售;针纺织品销售。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)(不得从事国家和本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。) | ||
公司简介 | 北京嘉宁颂设计事务所有限公司是北京五一艾酒店配饰设计有限公司(51A设计机构)全资室内设计公司;旨在为室内装饰项目提供从前期室内装修设计、到后期装修施工管理的全流程服务;嘉宁颂设计事务所主营:室内设计、装修设计、室内装修设计、室内艺术设计、室内装饰设计、室内工装设计;餐厅设计装修,餐厅设计;酒店装饰设计、酒店装修、酒店设计;展厅设计、展厅、展馆设计;办公室设计、公司办公室装修、办公室装修设计、办公 ... |
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- 北京商务酒店设计之嘉宁颂1,500.00元/平方米
品牌:嘉宁颂设计 - 北京饭店包间装修设计之嘉宁颂1,500.00元/平方米
品牌:嘉宁颂设计 - 北京饭店装修设计之嘉宁颂1,500.00元/平方米
品牌:嘉宁颂设计 - 会议室设计----嘉宁颂1,500.00元/平方米
品牌:嘉宁颂设计 - 北京财务办公室装修设计----嘉宁颂1,500.00元/平方米
品牌:嘉宁颂设计 - 北京设计酒店 嘉宁颂1,500.00元/平方米
品牌:嘉宁颂设计 - 北京室内设计之北京嘉宁颂1,500.00元/平方米
品牌:嘉宁颂设计 - 北京房屋装修设计之北京嘉宁颂1,500.00元/平方米
品牌:嘉宁颂设计 - 北京家庭装修装饰设计之北京嘉宁颂1,500.00元/平方米
品牌:嘉宁颂设计 - 北京室内设计风格之北京嘉宁颂1,500.00元/平方米