丰科中心 - 主页
2025-01-03 07:26 1次- 发布企业
- 北京华信商办科技有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第3年主体名称:北京华信商办科技有限公司组织机构代码:91110105MA01MBQU9K
- 报价
- 人民币¥4.00元每m²/天
- 关键词
- 丰科中心租赁部电话、丰科中心物业租赁部、丰科中心物业电话
- 所在地
- 北京市朝阳区双桥东路2049国际文创园
- 联系电话
- 13716135070
- 全国服务热线
- 13522230053
- 招商经理
- 张经理 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Located in the first row of the fourth ring road, Fengke Centeris a unique green Ecosophy and business complex in the sector,integrating the mature business real estate development model andstyle of Financial Street with the community gene of Vanke,providing customers with green ecology and sharing ideas, andbringing a new round of development for the surrounding businessesin the region based on high-tech industries. Fengke Center islocated in the core of Fengtai Science and Technology Park PhaseIII in Zhongguancun, Beijing, adjacent to the South Fourth RingRoad. Composed of two 5A office buildings, one Grade A officebuilding, three independent office buildings, and supportingcommercial facilities, we aim to create a modern, efficient, andcomfortable office community. Fully self owned property andproperty rights are managed in a unified manner, with developerscontrolling the qualifications of the settled enterprises, creatinga high-quality corporate structure that facilitates overalloperation and management in the later stage, and laying thefoundation for establishing a high-end office image. Starting fromthe characteristics of the site, Fengke Center encloses the outerside of the building volume and creates an urban green valley thatis shared and connected with the city internally. Inspired by"ripples in water", Garden design adopts the concept of flowingwater and uses elements such as pavement, sketches and plants tomake people wander in green streams. Fengke Center is one of thefew projects in the region that has the US LEED CS gold level andChina Green Building Two Star international and domestic dualenvironmental protection certification. From conceptual design toproject construction, from water-saving and energy-saving toenvironmental quality, every process implements the concept ofgreen and low-carbon, allowing enterprises to enjoy a green andenvironmentally friendly office environment while effectivelyreducing operating costs. The Fengke Center Lobby is an 18 meterelevated hall that showcases corporate style with reverence andgrandeur. The shared lobbies of Blocks A and B showcase a grandgrandeur with an 18 meter elevated height; Adopting pure stoneprecision decoration design, equipped with a high transmittanceultra white glass curtain wall, and laid with evergreen verticalgreening throughout the year, it conveys a respected firstimpression for the enterprise.
成立日期 | 2019年08月29日 | ||
法定代表人 | 张臣 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 北京创意产业园招租、独栋厂房招租、写字楼招租、共享办公招租 | ||
经营范围 | 技术开发、技术咨询、技术转让、技术推广、技术服务;软件开发;从事房地产经纪业务;出租商业用房;企业管理咨询;企业管理;企业策划;组织文化艺术交流活动(不含演出);承办展览展示活动;会议服务;市场调查;设计、制作、代理、发布广告;公共关系服务;经济贸易咨询。(企业依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。) | ||
公司简介 | 北京华信商办科技有限公司,致力于为企业提供便捷高效的办公选址顾问服务。业务范围有:产业园出租;写字楼出租;联合办公工位出租;共享办公商务中心出租;厂房出租;库房出租;商业办公用房出租;工业厂房出租。华信商办立足于北京产业园区以及写字楼楼的中高端市场,凭借对用户需求的精准把握、强大的市场开发能力打造详尽专业的办公室和创意大数据统计,为用户提供专业的商业地产信息服务,同时为开发商提供高效的网络推广服务 ... |
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