EATON伊顿UPS不间断电源PW9130L1500T-XL1500VA/1350W 110VA/100VA
更新:2024-04-09 07:10 编号:19900566 发布IP: 浏览:59次- 发布企业
- 北京市信诺盛源科技有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:北京市信诺盛源科技有限公司
- 报价
- 人民币¥8100.00元每件
- 品牌
- 型号
- PW9130L1500T-XL
- 产地
- 菲律宾
- 关键词
- 所在地
- 北京市回龙观镇建材城西路87号2号楼13层1单元1337
- 手机
- 18610898779
- 销售经理
- 肖经理 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
EATON UPS Power Supply PW9130L1500T-XL1500VA/1350W 110VA/100VA -The Best Choice for Uninterrupted Power Supply
EATON UPS power supplies have always been the leading choice forbusinesses and professionals who seek the uninterrupted powersupply they need to keep their data and equipment safe. The EATONUPS model PW9130L1500T-XL1500VA/1350W 110VA/100VA is noexception.
This UPS model packs a powerful punch with its 1500VA/1350Wcapacity, guaranteeing your equipment won't suffer from powersurges or unexpected shutdowns. Whether you're using it for yourhome, office, or a data center, this UPS model can handleeverything you throw at it.
One of the best things about the EATON UPSPW9130L1500T-XL1500VA/1350W 110VA/100VA is its compact size, makingit easy to install in any location. Plus, with a rack/tower design,you'll have additional flexibility in how you choose to organizeyour infrastructure.
Not to mention, this UPS model is made by EATON - a trusted brandknown for producing high-quality products that last. Made in thePhilippines, each EATON UPS comes with a warranty to give you peaceof mind, ensuring you won't have to worry about any potentialissues down the road.
The EATON UPS PW9130L1500T-XL1500VA/1350W 110VA/100VA is priced at8100 yuan, making it an affordable choice for its level ofperformance and protection. Whether you're setting up your homeoffice or securing your business operations, this UPS model is theideal choice for anyone who needs uninterrupted power supply.
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