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北京西门子代理商 西门子802S数控系统代理商 西门子PLC代理商
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北京西门子802S数控系统代理商Activation of the Safety Integrated FunctionsThesafety functions for SINAMICS drives can be activated viaterminals, e.g. for use of a conventional safety circuit.Forstandalone safety solutions for small to medium-sized applications,it is frequently sufficient that the various sensing components aredirectly hardwired to the drive.For integrated safety solutions,the safety-relevant sequences are generally processed andcoordinated in the fail-safe SIMATIC controller. Here, the systemcomponents communicate via the PROFINET or PROFIBUS fieldbus. Thesafety functions are controlled via the safe PROFIsafecommunication protocol.SINAMICS drives can be easily integratedinto the plant or systemtopology.PROFIsafe北京西门子802S数控系统代理商SINAMICS drives support thePROFIsafe profile based on PROFINET as well as onPROFIBUS.PROFIsafe is an open communications standard that supportsstandard and safety-related communication over the samecommunication path (wired or wireless). A second, separate bussystem is therefore not necessary. The telegrams that are sent arecontinually monitored to ensure safety-relevantcommunication.Possible errors such as telegrams that have beenlost, repeated or received in the incorrect sequence are avoided.This is done by consecutively numbering the telegrams in asafety-relevant fashion, monitoring their reception within adefined time and transferring an ID for transmitter and receiver ofa telegram. A CRC (cyclic redundancy check) data security mechanismis also used.北京西门子802S数控系统代理商The operating principle of SafetyIntegratedTwo independent switch-off signal pathsTwo independentswitch-off signal paths are available. All switch-off signal pathsare low active. This ensures that the system is always switched toa safe state if a component fails or in the event of cablebreakage. If a fault is discovered in the switch-off signal paths,the STO or SS1 function (depending on parameter settings) isactivated and a system restart inhibited.Two-channel monitoringstructure北京西门子802S数控系统代理商All the main hardware and softwarefunctions for Safety Integrated are implemented in two independentmonitoring channels (e.g. switch-off signal paths, data management,data comparison). A cyclic crosswise comparison of thesafety-relevant data in the two monitoring channels is carriedout.The monitoring functions in each monitoring channel work on theprinciple that a defined state must prevail before each action iscarried out and a specific acknowledgement must be made after eachaction. If these expectations of a monitoring channel are notfulfilled, the drive coasts to a standstill (two channel) and anappropriate message is output.Forced dormant error detection usingtest stop北京西门子802S数控系统代理商The functions and switch-off signal pathsmust be tested at least once within a defined time in order to meetrequirements as per EN ISO 13849-1 and IEC 61508 interms of timely fault detection. This must be implemented either incyclic manual mode or the test stop must be automatically initiatedas part of the process. The test stop cycle is monitored, and aftera specific time has been exceeded, an alarm is output. A test stopdoes not require a POWER ON. The acknowledgment is set by cancelingthe test stop request.Examples of when forced dormant errordetection must be performed:When the drives are at a standstillafter the system has been switched onBefore the protective door isopenedAt defined intervals (e.g. every 8 hours)In automatic mode,time and event-drivenSafe speed/position sensing without/withencoderSafe actual value sensing without encoderA drive monitorwith encoder is necessary for operation of a series of safetyfunctions.For applications with encoderless mode or with encodersthat have no safety capability, the safety functions can also beimplemented without encoder. It is not possible to use all safetyfunctions in this case.In operation without encoder, the actualspeed values are calculated from the measured electrical actualvalues. This means that speed monitoring is also possible duringoperation without an encoder.Safe actual value sensing withencoder北京西门子802S数控系统代理商Incremental encoders or absolute encoderscan be used for safe sensing of the position values on a drive.Safeactual value sensing relies on redundant evaluation of theincremental tracks A/B that supply sin/cos signals of 1 Vpp.Only encoders of the type whose A/B track signals are created andprocessed using purely analog techniques can be used.HTL/TTLincremental encoders may also be used. In this case, safe actualvalue sensing is achieved by using two independent encoders. Theminimum possible speed resolution must also be taken intoaccount.The encoder signals are input via Sensor Modules.As analternative, motors with an integrated DRIVE-CLiQ interface can beused. The speed or position actual values are generated directly inthe motor as safe values and are transferred to the Control Unitover safe communication via DRIVE-CLiQ.Certified built-on rotaryencoders with DRIVE-CLiQ interface may also be used(seehttps://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/document/65402168).Theencoder must be mechanically attached in such a manner that theencoder shaft is unable to unplug or slide off. For notes on this,see IEC 61800-5-2: 2016, Table D.16.A list of Siemens motorsthat fulfill the electrical and mechanical requirements isavailableat:https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/document/33512621Thefollowing can be used for safe speed/positionsensing:Single-encoder systems or北京西门子802S数控系统代理商Dual-encodersystemsSingle-encoder systemExample: Single-encodersystem北京西门子802S数控系统代理商In a single-encoder system, the motor encoderis used exclusively for safe actual value sensing.Dual-encodersystemExample: Dual-encoder systemIn the case of the dual-encodersystem, the safe actual values for a drive are provided by twoseparate encoders. The actual values are transferred to the ControlUnit over DRIVE-CLiQ. When motors without a DRIVE-CLiQ connectionare used, a Sensor Module must be provided.北京西门子802S数控系统代理商HTL/TTLincremental encoders can be used as an alternative with adual-encoder system. Either two HTL/TTL encoders, one dual-HTL/TTLencoder or one HTL/TTL encoder and one sin/cos encoder can beused.The safety functions are listed below with criteria for actualvalue sensing: FunctionsAbbreviationWith encoderWithoutencoderDescriptionBasic FunctionsSafe Torque OffSTOYesSafe Stop1SS1Yes 1)Safe stopping process in accordance with stopcategory 1Safe Brake ControlSBCSafe Brake ControlExtendedFunctionsSafe Operating StopSOSNoSafe monitoring of the standstillpositionSafe Stop 2SS2Safe stopping process in accordance with stopcategory 2Safely-Limited SpeedSLSSafe monitoring of the maximumspeedSafe Speed MonitorSSMSafe monitoring of the minimum speedSafeDirectionSDISafe monitoring of the direction ofmotionSafely-Limited AccelerationSLASafely-Limited AccelerationSafeBrake TestSBTDiagnostic function for safe testing of the requiredholding torque of a brakeAdvanced FunctionsSafely-LimitedPositionSLPSafe PositionSPYes 2)Safe transfer of positionvaluesSafe CamSCASafe cams1) The use of this safety functionwithout encoder is permitted with asynchronous (induction) motors,synchronous motors from the SIEMOSYN series, or with SIMOTICSreluctance motors.2) Only for the transmission of relativeposition values. An encoder is required to transmit absoluteposition values.集成The safety functions integrated in SINAMICSdrives, including SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 frequencyconverters, are listed below.Safety IntegratedLowvoltage Standard Performance frequency convertersDistributedfrequencyconvertersSINAMICSSINAMICSSIMATICV20G120CG120G130G150G115D wall andmotor-mountedG120DET 200proFC-2 6) CU230P-2CU240E-2CU250S-2CU320-2CU240D-2CU250D-2FunctionsSTO–✓ –SS1✓ 1)SS2SOSSBCSBTSLS✓ 2)SSMSDISLASLP✓ 3)SPSCAControlPROFIsafeF-DIApplicationTailor-madesafety concepts can be created using the SP function. It is idealfor use on machines that require flexible safety functions. It isextremely versatile and can be used, for example, to implementsafe, axis-specific range detection by means of safe cams. The SPfunction can also be used to implement multi-axis safety concepts,multi-dimensional protection areas and zone concepts.Customerbenefits北京西门子802S数控系统代理商Position monitoring or speed monitoring isimplemented in the safety program of the control, so the user hasthe flexibility for implementing tailor-made safety functions. Thereaction to a limit overshoot must also be specified in the safetyprogram. This means a higher initial programming outlay, but itdoes offer the opportunity for initiating different fault reactionsdepending on the situation.Safe Cam (SCA)The SCA function enablessafety-related monitoring of the position.EffectThe SCA functionoutputs a safe signal if the drive is within a specified positionrange. It facilitates the realization of safe axis-specific rangedetection. Up to 30 safe cams can be parameterized peraxis.ApplicationIt is only permissible that a protective door isopened if a drive is in a certain position range. The drive mayonly be traversed with reduced speed when it is located in acertain position range.北京西门子802S数控系统代理商Customer benefitsThefunction enables safety-related switchover of safety functions.With SCA, safe electronic cam controllers can be implementedwithout additional hardware. With SCA, work and protection zonedelimitations are reliably detected.Basic Functions, ExtendedFunctions, and Advanced FunctionsWith SINAMICS G converters,the safety functions are basically implemented withoutencoders.With SINAMICS S drives, the safety functions areimplemented with encoders – individual safety functions can also beoperated without encoders.The Safety Integrated Functions aregrouped into Basic Functions, Extended Functions, and AdvancedFunctions.The Basic Functions are included in the standard scope ofsupply.The Extended Functions must be activated by alicense 1). The Advanced Functions for SINAMICS S120 mustalso be activated via a license.The electronic Certificate ofLicense is the paperless delivery form for runtime options forSINAMICS and contains information about the type of rights of usepurchased for the software.北京西门子802S数控系统代理商
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