Battery performance characteristics:
1. Simple maintenance: since the gas generated in the batteryduring charging is basically absorbed by the electrode plate andreduced to electrolyte, there is basically no electrolyte feedingphenomenon. It is not necessary to charge the battery equally likethe general battery, and the maintenance is simple (but it isnecessary to regularly check the total voltage and appearance).
2. High liquid holding capacity: the electrolyte is absorbed ina special partition and remains in a non flowing state, so it canbe used even if it falls down under normal operating conditions (itcannot be used if it falls down more than 90 °)
3. Superior safety performance: when too much gas is generateddue to incorrect charging operation, it can be released to acertain extent to prevent the battery from cracking.
4. Small self discharge electrode: special lead calcium alloy isused to produce grid, which can be stored for a long time.
5. Long service life and good economy: the grid made of speciallead calcium alloy with good corrosion resistance has a longfloating life. The gas generated during normal floating charge canbe well absorbed, so the capacity will not be reduced due to thereduction of electrolyte under normal operation. The specialclapboard can hold the electrolyte, and at the same time, it canpress the positive plate active material with strong force toprevent the active material from falling off, so it has a longservice life. In addition, it also has a long cycle life duringdeep discharge. It is a very economical battery.
6. Small internal resistance: the smaller the resistance is, thegreater the current discharge, the better the characteristics.
7. Excellent recovery performance after deep discharge:connecting the battery and load together for long-term discharge isunfavorable to the battery, but in case of such a situation, aslong as the battery is fully charged, there is basically nocapacity reduction, and it can be recovered soon.