Subscriber's Resolutions; 发起人决议书
Resolutions of the First Director; 首任董事决议书
Resolutions of the Sole Director of the Company; 公司唯一董事决议书
Share Transfer; 股权转让书
Original copy of Certificate of Incorporation; 企业注册登记证原件
A stamped Memorandum and Articles of Association ("M&A");公司章程原件
Copies of M&A ; 公司章程复印件
Register of Members, Directors, Officers, Transfers and Changes;公司成员/董事/职员登记册和股份转让
A booklet of share certificates; 股权证明
Company seal and chop; 公司钢印和图章
Copy of Filing Schedule of Cayman Islands Companies.开曼公司文件登记时间表