●密闭结构(Sealed Construction)
●电解液悬浮系统(Electrolyte Suspension System)
●气体再组合(Gas Recombination)
●使用免保养(Maintenance-Free Operation)
●任何方向可使用(Operation In Any Position)
●低压力排气系统(Low Pressure Venting System)
●高负荷格子体(Heavy Duty Grids)
●低自行放电-长保存寿命(Low Self Discharge-Long shelf Life)
●宽广的温度使用范围(Broad Operating Temperature Range)
●高回复容量(High Recovery Capabillity)
●警报系统(Alarm Systems)
●有线电视(Cable Television)
●通信设备(Communications Equipment)
●控制设备(Control Equipment)
●电子收款机(Electronic Cash Registers)
●电子测试设备(Electronic Test Equipment)
●电动轮椅(Electronic Powered Wheelchairs)
●紧急照明系统(Emergency Lighting Systems)
●防火或保全系统(Fire & Security Systems)
●地理设备(Geophysical Equipment)
●海洋设备(Marine Equipment)
●医学设备(Medical Equipment)
●办公室微处理机(Micro Processor Based Office Machines)
●可携式电影和电视灯光(Portable Cine & Video Lights)
●电动工具(Power Tools)
●太阳能系统(Solar Powered Systems)
●电信系统(Telecommunications Systems)
●电视和录像机(Television & Video Recorders)
●不断电系统(Uninterruptible Power Supplies)
●自动贩卖机(Vending Machines)
【GS PORTALACBATTERY】【日本電池株式會社】【日本GS电池】日本原装进口
JAPAN STORAGE BATTERY CO.,LTD. is an American subsidiary ofGS Yuasa Corporation of Japan, the world leader in motorcycle andstandby storage batteries, which serves the power sports,telecommunications, UPS, and the emergency lighting markets. JAPANSTORAGE BATTERY CO.,LTD. recently entered the renewable energyphotovoltaic and storage market in North America. GS Battery’s headquarters’ in Roswell, Georgia, is the home of thefirst commercial solar installation with batteries in the state ofGeorgia.
GS Yuasa Corporation’s businesses include the manufacture andsupply of batteries, power supply systems, lighting equipment,specialty and other electrical equipment. In order toallow us to offer products and services that best meet the needs ofour customers around the world, we are continually makingmodifications and improvements to our R&D, manufacturing, anddistribution systems, ensuring that they have a global focus.
As technological innovation accelerates in the energy andenvironmental fields, new values are required in the storagebattery industry. These challenges serve to motivate us and wecontinually advance with new products and new technologies into thechanging world before us. Our corporate slogan,“Next to you”, is where we seek to be as we work towards meetingthe needs of the changing world.
We give to making your life richer, to turning your dreamsinto reality, and to help build a common future for everyone.