N4 includes Automotive 4-ChannelRX with MIPI-CSI2/BT.656 Interface. It delivers high quality CVBS,1M, 2M image. It accepts CVBS,
COMET, 1M, 2M analog inputs fromCamera and the other video signal sources. It acceptsSingle-ended/Differential analog SD/HD/FHD
video signals, and thenProcessing Clamp/AGC(Auto Gain Control)/YC Separation andConverting BT.656/BT.1120/MIPI-CSI2 Format. MIPICSI2 interfacecompliant with MIPI D-PHY v1.1.
N4 is able to use sametransmission cable with conventional one for CVBS/COMET(SD level),1M/2M(HD/FHD level) and they provide the
superior-image quality byminimizing the interference when separating Y andC.
N4 support Coaxial CommunicationProtocol communicates between controller(DVR) and camera on thevideo signal through coaxial cable.
NVP6324Product Overview
NVP6324 includes Automotive4-Channel RX with MIPI-CSI2/BT.656 Interface. It delivers highquality CVBS, 1M, 2M image. It accepts CVBS, COMET, 1M / 2Manalog inputs from Camera and the other video signal sources. Itaccepts Single-ended/Differential analog SD/HD/FHD video signals,and then Processing Clamp/AGC(Auto Gain Control)/YC Separation andConverting BT.656/BT.1120/MIPI-CSI2 Format. MIPI-CSI2interface compliant with MIPI D-PHY v1.1.
NVP6324 is ableto use same transmission cable with conventional one forCVBS/COMET(SD level), 1M/2M(HD/FHD level) and they providethe superior-image quality by minimizing the interference whenseparating Y and C.
NVP6324 supportCoaxial Communication Protocol communicates between controller(DVR)and camera on the video signal through coaxial cable.